The videos in this library were funded by the Massachusetts Department of Education Race to the Top (RTTT) and Teacher Incentive Funds (TIF) and The US Department of Education Office of Innovation through the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. These videos are offered at no charge for mentor training and novice teacher support.
Use the SEARCH to find a video by title.
Introductions to the Mentoring in Action Book – Districts using this month by month curriculum can offer their mentors short introductions to each month’s chapter.
Mentoring Conversations – What is a mentor supposed to talk about? These videos model mentoring conversations that focus on one topic that is meaningful to the novice teacher.
Differentiated Mentoring – How do we meet the varying needs of novice teachers? These videos share some ways to think about differentiating mentoring practices.
Mentor Skills – What do mentors need to know and be able to do? These videos provide some practical suggestions that can be used in mentor training.
Using Student Perspectives – What do students think? These videos will share some inspiring ways to use students’ voices in mentoring practices.
New Teacher Support – How can we support novice teachers? These videos provide a variety of coaching strategies that can be viewed individually or using in induction programs.
Classroom Best Practices – These videos provide overviews of hot topics that relate to teacher preparation and mentoring conversations. They can be viewed individually or used in training sessions.
Project SUCCESS – This “train the trainer” model promotes teacher leadership within the district. The videos provide an overview of the program and a way to connect mentoring to SMART Goals.