These professionals will donate their time to “coach” a teacher leader during the graduate course module on leadership. Read about their accomplishments, review their books, and visit their websites to expand your own learning.

Dolores Hirschmann
Dolores is a STRATEGIST & COACH. She helps IDEAPRENEURS™ clarify their “idea worth sharing”, design their communications strategies and implement business growth systems. Her clients become speakers, authors and take their message to larger audiences like TEDx and beyond. She works through group coaching, workshops, one on one coaching as well as public speaking. Dolores is a writer and both her novel ”New Beginnings” and her book “18 Minutes of Impact: Move Your Audience to Action the TED Way” are available in Amazon. Dolores is a TEDxOrganizer and participant in TED conferences. She is a CTI certified and ICF accredited coach and has a business degree from the Universidad de San Andres, Argentina. Originally from Buenos Aires, Dolores speaks fluent Spanish, English and French and lives in Dartmouth, MA with her husband and four children.
Founder – CEO - TEDxOrganizer
Guiding entrepreneurs to CLARITY for business growth
E-BOOK: 18 Minutes of Impact: Move Your Audience to Action the TED Way.

Jane A. G. Kise, Ed. D.
Jane A. G. Kise, Ed. D., is the founder of Differentiated Coaching Associates. For the past 20 years she has worked as a consultant, specializing in teambuilding, coaching, and professional development. She is also the author or coauthor of over 25 books, including Unleashing the Positive Power of Differences: Polarity Thinking for Our Schools, Differentiated Coaching: A Framework for Helping Teachers Change, Intentional Leadership, Holistic Leadership, Thriving Schools and Step In, Step Up: Empowering Women for the School Leadership Journey . She holds an MBA in finance from the Carlson School of Management and a doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of St. Thomas, both in Minnesota.
Kise has worked with diverse organizations across the United States and in Saudi Arabia, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. Her clients include Minneapolis Public Schools and various public and private schools, The Bush Foundation, NASA, Twin Cities Public Television, and numerous other institutions. She is a frequent workshop speaker and has presented at Learning Forward, ASCD, NCTM, NCSM, World Futures, and Association for Psychological Type International (APTi) conferences, including keynoting in Miami, London, Paris, Berlin, Sydney and Auckland.
Kise’s research on coaching teachers for change received several awards. Her research on patterns in Jungian type and how students approach mathematics became a TEDx talk.

April Frazier
April believes in yoga and mindfulness as educational justice tools. For the past 10 years she has worked in the educational sector as a middle school teacher and mindfulness and yoga consultant for schools, districts and educational organizations. After teaching she understood the strain and stress of being a teacher and committed herself to supporting teachers and students flourish and be well. Ahimsa MY LLC blossomed from an intention to reconnect teachers, students and school leaders to their inner resources and to support holistic wellness through mindfulness practices . April has felt blessed to partner with schools across the country as well as organizations such as Teach for America, City Year, and Citizen Schools. April currently supports Teachers College, Bank Street, CUNY, and Mount Holyoke Graduate School of Education to integrate mindfulness into teacher preparation programs. April was a student in the first year cohort at Columbia's Spirituality Mind Body Institute, focusing on mindfulness and yoga as a means to reconnect young people with their inner wisdom and spirit. April is grateful that educators are cultivating mindfulness practices to take care of themselves so they can take care of their students.
Breathing in...Breathing out,

Megan M. Allen, EdD
Megan M. Allen, EdD, is a National Board Certified Teacher, the 2010 Florida Teacher of the Year, and a finalist for 2010 National Teacher of the Year. She currently is serving as the director of the Master of Arts in Teacher Leadership at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, MA. She has taught for ten years, most as an elementary and special education teacher, serving in Title One schools in Hillsborough County, FL.
Megan is a huge policy nerd who enjoys blogging for Education Week at An Edugeek’s Guide to K12 Practice and Policy and for the Center for Teaching Quality at Musings of a Red Headed Teacher. She is also proud to serve on the Board of Directors for the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards and the Teacher Advisory Board for Teaching Partners. @redhdteacher

Jennifer Abrams
Jennifer Abrams, a former English teacher and new teacher coach, is currently a communications consultant who works with educators, health care personnel and others on new employee support, being generationally savvy, effective collaboration skills, having hard conversations and creating identity safe workplaces.
Jennifer’s publications include Having Hard Conversations, The Multigenerational Workplace: Communicate, Collaborate & Create Community and Hard Conversations Unpacked - the Whos, Whens and What Ifs. Jennifer is featured in ASCD’s video series, “Master Class,” and in the Ontario (Canada) Ministry of Education’s “Leadership Matters: Supporting Open-to-Learning Conversations” video series. She was one of the “18 Women All K-12 Educators Should Know” featured in the blog ‘Finding Common Ground’’ from Education Week and was also awarded the International Educational Entrepreneur Award for 2015 by the International Academy for Educational Entrepreneurs. Jennifer’s monthly newsletter, Voice Lessons, is at and she can be found on Twitter @jenniferabrams.

Kristen Lee, EdD, LICSW
Dr. Kristen Lee, Ed.D., LICSW, known as “Dr. Kris” , is a recovering perfectionist, Proud Mama and an award-winning, internationally recognized professor, clinician and author from Boston, Massachusetts.
As the Lead Faculty for Behavioral Science at Northeastern University, Dr. Kris’s research and teaching interests include individual and organizational well-being and resilience, particularly for marginalized and underserved populations. She operates a clinical and consulting practice devoted to preventing and treating burnout and works to mitigate the education mental health crisis for students and educators. She is the author of RESET: Make the Most of Your Stress, Winner of the Next Generation Indie Book Awards Motivational Book of 2015 and Mentalligence: A New Psychology of Thinking. She is a regular contributor for the Huffington Post and Psychology Today. Dr. Kris’s work has been featured on NPR and CBS radio. To watch her TedX Ocala talk, The Risk You Must Take and to learn more about her work, please visit

Maria Fenwick
Maria Fenwick is the founder and executive director of the Teacher Collaborative, a new initiative aimed at connecting and supporting teachers to help them grow professionally alongside other great teachers. Maria taught in Boston Public Schools for six years and brings an extensive network of local education leaders from non-profits, foundations, districts/CMOs, and state policy to building the Teacher Collaborative. As an independent contractor, Maria has developed expertise in teacher engagement and leadership that is purposeful and outcomes-driven. Maria holds a bachelor’s degree in Human Development from Colby College, a master’s degree in Education Policy and Management from Harvard Graduate School of Education, and a master’s degree in Elementary Education from UMass Boston/Boston Teacher Residency. Maria is mom to two young children, including a kindergartener in Boston Public Schools.

Jaclyn Roster
Jaclyn is an instructor at Hunter College in NYC, where she teaches special education teacher induction courses and mentors new teachers in the field. She has taught middle and high school in both public and private schools in NYC and has held various administrative roles. Prior to education, Jaclyn spent ten years in finance, where she traded bonds, worked for community development financial institutions and conducted microfinance work in Africa.
Jaclyn’s interest in mentoring stems from her experiences as a new teacher, and the support she received from her mentors that kept her going during those first few years.
A certified yoga teacher, Jaclyn’s interests also include bringing mindfulness into schools. She is currently pursuing doctoral research into effective mentoring practices and the extent to which mentors who teach social and emotional learning to new teachers can impact retention and job satisfaction. In addition to her doctoral work in Educational Leadership at St. John’s University, Jaclyn has a Bachelors in Management from Tulane University, a Masters in Public Administration from NYU and a Masters in Special Education from Hunter College.

Maria Clark, CSC, CPLC
Maria Clark is a personal & spiritual development coach, author and speaker. Maria created and developed The Emergence Coaching Platform™, which is a unique signature system, focused on the art of self-inquiry, disrupting the story and cultivating whole-hearted living. Maria has received advanced certifications in several coaching and healing modalities and has been facilitating private and group coaching for over ten years.
Maria recently founded The Grace Initiative™, a blog and podcast program established to inspire and promote global healing through conversations and stories centered on the healing power of grace. Maria is a co-author of Soul Whispers II: The Secret Elements in Soul Coaching®. She has been a guest speaker on Healing Journeys at A2Zen.FM radio,, the and Evolving Soul Blog Talk Radio.
As a former corporate executive and nonprofit advocate, Maria worked for several Wall Street investment banking firms running large corporate travel departments. Maria was the owner and operator of three family businesses and additionally she co-founded two nonprofits.
Founder- Inspired Ideas™

Kristina Lamour Sansone
Kristina Lamour Sansone found refuge from her own learning challenges in graphic design, a communication and learning process that connects pictures and words into one simultaneous language. Over more than twenty years of practice, teaching, consulting, and research, her primary goal has been to connect the graphic design process with teaching and learning, including assessment, the Reggio Emilia approach, STEM, English Language Learners and Universal Design for Learning. She recently published a chapter titled, Using Strategies from Graphic Design To Improve Teaching and Learning in Essentials of Teaching and Integrating Visual and Media literacy: Visualizing Learning, Springer Publishing. She holds a B.F.A. in Graphic Design from The University of the Arts, an M.F.A. in Graphic Design from Yale University College of Art, and a C.A.G.S. in Curriculum and Instruction from Lesley University’s School of Education.

Lee Teitel
Lee Teitel teaches courses on integrated schools and leading and coaching for equity and diversity, leadership development, partnership and networking, and on understanding organizations and how to improve them. He is the faculty director of the newly launched Reimagining Integration: The Diverse and Equitable Schools Project at HGSE. For eight years, he directed the School Leadership master's program; prior to that he was the founding director and then faculty senior associate of the Executive Leadership Program for Educators, a five-year collaboration of Harvard Graduate School of Education, Business School, and Kennedy School of Government that focused on bringing high quality teaching and learning to scale in urban and high need districts.
Teitel is co-author, (with Liz City, Richard Elmore, and Sarah Fiarman) of Instructional Rounds in Education: A Network Approach to Improving Teaching and Learning, (Harvard Education Press, 2009). His most recent book is School-Based Instructional Rounds: Improving Teaching and Learning Across Classrooms, (Harvard Education Press, 2013).
Teitel has taught at HGSE since 1999 as a part-time lecturer and then visiting professor (2004-2005). He came to HGSE full-time in 2006, after more than 15 years in teaching and writing about educational leadership at the University of MassachusettsBoston, where he was full professor and associate chair of the Department of Leadership in Education.

Ellyn Metcalf
Ellyn has long been committed to the leadership development of others. She is a 1987 graduate of the US Coast Guard Academy and began her career during a pioneering era for women in the military. Her demonstrated leadership and mentoring skills led to her being assigned to the first formal Leadership Development staff at the US Coast Guard Academy in the 1990s. Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, she was immersed in the Coast Guard's new mission of Homeland Security. For the next eight years she was a reservist for the Captain of the Port in Seattle, Boston and Providence. Ellyn began her second career as a middle school science teacher in 2006. She continues to rely on her military leadership skills to inspire students and influence outcomes. Her experiences as a public school teacher and a fellow in the NEA/Teach Plus "Future of the Profession" fellowship re-energized Ellyn’s commitment to leadership development. In 2013, she became affiliated with a leadership consulting program for veterans called Homefront Leaders and conducted training sessions for managers at Hasbro Inc. and Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI. In 2015, Ellyn was chosen to participate in the National Teach to Lead Summit in Boston, MA. Combining her strong belief that all teachers must be leaders with the momentum from the national movement on teacher leadership, Ellyn founded THE TOTAL TEACHER PROJECT. Along with her BS degree from the Coast Guard Academy, Ellyn holds an MS degree in Adult Education and Human Resource Development from Fordham University, and an MEd from the University of Massachusetts Boston. She holds certifications in elementary education, middle school science, and middle school mathematics.

Ariel Curry
Ariel Curry is the Acquisitions Editor for Global Visible Learning and Teaching Essentials at Corwin. Ariel is passionate about publishing the best in education research and helping teachers discover what works best in their classrooms so that they can maximize their impact on student learning. As an acquisitions editor, she finds joy in helping authors craft their message and create powerful tools for teachers. While not working, you can find Ariel reading fiction, practicing yoga, taking her dogs for a walk, or planning her next trip.

Kat Johnston
Kat Johnston brings ten years of experience in the education sector. Kat has demonstrated ability to impact students and teachers across a variety of contexts—in the classroom as a first-grade teacher in North Carolina, managing nonprofit programs for early childhood education and high school leadership development, and in state-level policymaking. While working at the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, she was the lead author of the 2015 MA Guidelines for Induction and Mentoring Programs and supported Project SUCCESS, a mentor training program under Race to the Top. She pioneered the Department’s teacher leadership work, including the Educator Effectiveness Teacher Advisory Cabinet and Teachers’ Top Three from ESE. In her latest role as Director of Programs, Kat is continuing to focus on empowering teachers working with Maria Fenwick to launch The Teacher Collaborative.
Kat holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Master of Public Policy degree from the Heller School for Social Policy and Management at Brandeis University.

Kim Fuller
Kim Fuller has been a photographer since she was a young girl. Her practice of looking through the lens of her camera has developed her mindful eye and enabled her to not only capture her portrait subjects skillfully, but see her world with more positivity, gratitude and awareness of its beauty. She has studied Buddhism and mindfulness for over 12 years and meditates regularly. The combination of her photography and mindfulness come together in her courses called the Mindful Photographer and P.A.U.S.E., Shifting your lens for more peace and possibility in your relationship to self and others. She leads workshops for sales teams, non-profits and private clients and particularly loves having fun with each group.
Kim is a mother of three children, the youngest being adopted at the age of eight. Her book called FINDING, shares the story of how this young boy became her greatest teacher. The struggles she and her family had with this boy informed so much of her practice in compassion, acceptance and empathy for others. She shares this story in her TEDex talk as well.
Kim is a 1986 graduate of the Rhode Island school of Design and lives in Middletown, RI with her family and pets.