Online Professional Learning

On-line courses for Professional Development Points (PDPs) are available through our partner organizations. Courses include mentor training, ELL and SPED recertification, and Podcast PD to support novice teacher development.

Southeastern Massachusetts Education Collaborative (SMEC) requires an account to view offerings:

The Education Cooperative (TEC).

Review each website to check on current offerings or contact our course coordinator to learn more and register.

Online Professional Learning Course for Mentors and Novice Teachers 

NEW! MINI- COURSE! Use this mini-course to support your mentors in using the Mentoring in Action book effectively.  Download this .pdf document and share it with your mentors. This can be used as part of a formal mentor training program or given to mentors with a copy of the book. The mini-course includes three lessons with audio messages from the author.

Use this Massachusetts color-code key to align the Mentoring in Action book to your State Standards.

NEW! TOUR of The First Years Matter! Use this .pdf document as an introduction to The First Years Matter book. Share it with your mentors and novice teachers who are using the books. The tour takes the novices through the important features of the book and includes three lessons with audio messages from the author.

Use this Massachusetts color code to align The First Years Matter book to your State Standards